Thursday, September 22, 2011

Hukum Melancap

Ada seseorang yang berkata: Apabila seorang lelaki melakukan onani, apakah hal itu boleh disebut zina dan apakah hukumnya?

Ini yang disebut oleh sebahagian orang “kebiasaan tersembunyi” dan disebut pula “jildu ‘umairah” dan “istimna” (onani). Jumhur ulama mengharamkannya, dan inilah yang benar, sebab Allah SWT ketika menyebutkan orang-orang Mukmin dan sifat-sifatnya berfirman,

“Dan orang-orang yang menjaga kemaluannya, kecuali terhadap isteri-isteri mereka atau hamba-hamba yang mereka miliki; maka sesungguhnya mereka dalam hal ini tiada tercela. Barangsiapa mencari yang di sebalik itu maka mereka itulah orang-orang yang melampaui batas.” (Al-Mukminun: 5-7).

Di dalam ayat di atas Allah memberitakan bahawa barangsiapa yang tidak bersetubuh dengan isterinya dan melakukan onani, maka bererti dia telah melampaui batas; dan tidak syak lagi bahawa onani itu melanggar batasan Allah.

Maka dari itu, para ulama mengambil kesimpulan daripada ayat di atas, bahawa kebiasaan tersembunyi (onani) itu haram hukumnya. Kebiasaan rahsia itu adalah mengeluarkan sperma dengan tangan di saat syahwat bergejolak

Perbuatan ini tidak boleh dia lakukan, ini kerana ia mengandungi banyak bahaya sebagaimana dijelaskan oleh para doktor kesihatan. Bahkan ada sebahagian ulama yang menulis kitab tentang masalah ini, di dalamnya dikumpulkan bahaya-bahaya kebiasaan buruk tersebut.

Kewajipan anda, wahai orang yang bertanya, adalah mewaspadainya dan menjauhi kebiasaan buruk itu kerana sangat banyak mengandungi bahaya yang sudah tidak diragukan lagi, dan juga kerana bertentangan dengan makna yang jelas dari ayat al-Qur’an dan menyalahi apa yang dihalalkan oleh Allah bagi hamba-hamba-Nya. Maka dia wajib segera meninggalkan dan mewaspadainya. Dan bagi sesiapa sahaja yang dorongan syahwatnya terasa makin dahsyat dan merasa khuatir terhadap dirinya (perbuatan yang tercela) hendaklah segera menikah, dan jika belum mampu hendaklah berpuasa, sebagaimana arahan Rasulullah SAW

“Wahai sekalian para pemuda, barangsiapa di antara kamu yang mempunyai kemampuan hendaklah segera bernikah, kerana nikah itu lebih menundukkan mata dan lebih menjaga kehormatan diri. Dan barangsiapa yang belum mampu hendaklah berpuasa, kerana puasa itu dapat membentenginya.” (Muttafaq ‘Alaih).

Di dalam hadits ini baginda SAW tidak mengatakan: “Barangsiapa yang belum mampu, maka lakukanlah onani, atau hendaklah dia mengeluarkan spermanya”, akan tetapi baginda SAW mengatakan: “Dan barangsiapa yang belum mampu hendaklah berpuasa, kerana puasa itu dapat membentenginya.”

Pada hadits tadi Rasulullah SAW menyebutkan dua hal, iaitu:

  • Pertama: Segera bernikah bagi yang mampu.
  • Kedua: Meredakan nafsu syahwat dengan melakukan puasa bagi orang yang belum mampu bernikah, kerana puasa itu dapat melemahkan godaan dan bisikan syaitan.
Maka hendaklah anda, wahai pemuda, beretika dengan etika agama dan bersungguh-sungguh di dalam berupaya memelihara kehormatan diri anda dengan nikah syar’i sekalipun harus dengan berhutang atau meminjam . Insya Allah, Dia akan memberimu kecukupan untuk melunasinya. Bernikah itu merupakan amal shalih dan orang yang bernikah pasti mendapat pertolongan, sebagaimana Rasulullah tegaskan di dalam haditsnya,

“Ada tiga orang yang pasti (berhak) mendapat pertolongan Allah SWT: al-mukatab (hamba yang berupaya memerdekakan diri) yang hendak menunaikan tebusan dirinya, Lelaki yang bernikah kerana ingin menjaga kesucian dan kehormatan dirinya, dan mujahid (pejuang) di jalan Allah.” (Diriwayatkan oleh at-Tirmidzi, Nasa’i dan Ibnu Majah).

Source: Fatwa Syaikh Bin Baz, dimuat di dalam majalah al-Buhuts, edisi 26, hal. 129-130.(Disalin dari buku Fatwa-Fatwa Terkini Jilid 1, penerbit Darul Haq.)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Effects of tax and tariffs on palm oil (part 1)

World biggest exporters of palm oil
  • There are two main exporters of palm oil namely Indonesia and Malaysia
  • Together they account for almost 90% of total palm oil exports

History of the Malaysian palm oil processing industry 

  • Early in Malaysia's inception (1960 - 1975) only a few factories were  refining some 10% of country's total CPO production for export to industrialised countries (e.g. USA, Japan and Australia)
  • Palm oil refining in Malaysia only started to emerge on the country's scene in the 1970s:
    • Late 1960s efforts were made to promote processed palm oil (PPO) produts
    • An export tax on CPO was introduced in 1976
  • Implication of the export tax
    • CPO exports became more expensive which reduced CPO supplies to foreign producers and lessened the supply constraints on estates and mills
The effect of the CPO export tax was a drastic increase in PPO exports and reduction in CPO exports

  • The export tax also has signaled to the potential investors that government was focused on promoting downstream refining, making it a safer investment prospect and allowing the processing industry to flourish.

CPO price at RM 2,500/MT would attract tax of RM 530
  • Malaysia is unlikely to increase taxes and tariffs on CPO exports due to competition from Indonesia
  • Malaysia's main focus in on developing its downstream activities 

Watchmen Comic by Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons

It all begins with the paranoid delusions of a half-insane hero called Rorschach. But is Rorschach really insane or has he in fact uncovered a plot to murder super-heroes and, even worse, millions of innocent civilians? On the run from the law, Rorschach reunites with his former teammates in a desperate attempt to save the world and their lives, but what they uncover will shock them to their very core and change the face of the planet! Following two generations of masked superheroes from the close of World War II to the icy shadow of the Cold War comes this groundbreaking comic story — the story of The Watchmen
Source from DC


Main Characters

Edward Blake / The Comedian
One of two government-sanctioned heroes (along with Doctor Manhattan) who remains active after the Keene Act is passed in 1977 to ban superheroes. His murder, which occurs shortly before the first chapter begins, sets the plot of Watchmen in motion. The character appears throughout the story in flashbacks and aspects of his personality are revealed by other characters

Dr. Jon Osterman / Doctor Manhattan
A superpowered being who is contracted by the United States government. Scientist Jon Osterman gained power over matter when he was caught in an "Intrinsic Field Subtractor" in 1959

Daniel Dreiberg / Nite Owl
A retired superhero who utilizes owl-themed gadgets. Nite Owl was based on the Ted Kord version of the Blue Beetle. Paralleling the way that Ted Kord had a predecessor, Moore also incorporated an earlier adventurer who used the name "Nite Owl," the retired crime fighter Hollis Mason, into Watchmen

Adrian Veidt / Ozymandias
Drawing inspiration from Alexander the Great, Veidt was once the superhero Ozymandias, but has since retired to devote his attention to the running of his own enterprises. Veidt is believed to be the smartest man on the planet

Walter Joseph Kovacs / Rorschach
A vigilante who wears a white mask that contains a symmetrical but constantly shifting ink blot pattern, he continues to fight crime in spite of his outlaw status.

Laurie Juspeczyk / Silk Spectre
The daughter of Sally Jupiter (the first Silk Spectre, with whom she has a strained relationship), and The Comedian. She had been the lover of Doctor Manhattan for years. While Silk Spectre was based partially on the Charlton character Nightshade

Monday, September 19, 2011

Watchmen Intro Song by Bob Dylan

Haven't updated my blog for quite some time now, oh well, last weekend i had watched a not so new movie adopted from DC comic, it is called watchmen..well if you want to know what kind of movie it is, i suggest you should watch it or you can read the fun and entertaining the movie is, well at least it make me think of how fortunate we're now compared to watchmen's world which full of conspiracy and war.

Apart from the movie, i enjoyed the introduction song the most, a song by Bob Dylan, i'm not a big fan of Dylan but well  i like this song..thanks dude for creating such beautiful song...

The Times They're A Changin' 

Come gather 'round people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it that soon
You'll be drenched to the bone
If your time to youIs worth savin'
Then you better start swimmin'
Or you'll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changin'.

Come writers and critics
Who prophesize with your pen
And keep your eyes wide
The chance won't come again
And don't speak too soon
For the wheel's still in spin
And there's no tellin' who
That it's namin'
For the loser now
Will be later to win
For the times they are a-changin'

.Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call
Don't stand in the doorway
Don't block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
There's a battle outside ragin'.
It'll soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin'.

Come mothers and fathers
Throughout the land
And don't criticize
What you can't understand
Your sons and your daughters
Are beyond your command
Your old road isRapidly agin'.
Please get out of the new one
If you can't lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin'.

The line it is drawn
The curse it is cast
The slow one now
Will later be fast
As the present now
Will later be past
The order is
Rapidly fadin'
And the first one now
Will later be last
For the times they are a-changin'.

To download the MP3 click here: