Sunday, May 29, 2011

How to make money......

I'm so bored today, not much activities in my schedule, but its okay i still have friends around who seems to be in the same shoes as me..

To cut the story short, while having tea with bunch of friends , something came across my mind..Hmm.. it is about how to make money.. and i asked all of my friends what are their opinions about it..

All of them gave me their thoughts and all of their opinions are very inspiring and also brilliant i would say, but in the way of normal people would not think of and i believed even a graduate from Harvard could be able to come up with..hahaha interesting right?

You guys out there sure want to know what are their suggesting right?? hahaha, the truth is it quite simple:
  • Find a job
    • There is million of job vacancy advertisements out there, and what you need to do is only GET OFF YOUR LOUSY BUMB and go out to search for it...
    • And when you able to secure a job, money will come to you and there is no need for you to think of how to make money ever again as long as you're in that job
    • And even in the worst case scenario, let say you just quit your job.. No need to worry dude what you need to do is rather simple...GO AND FIND THE NEW JOB......
  •  Sell something.
    • Well this can be feasible solution provided you have something to sell and if the things that you're selling is demanded by others
    • But to tell the truth i truly doubt this option.. want to now why... because to have something that you can sell , you need to get it from somewhere, it can be either you buy it before or you have taken it from somebody or somewhere hhhmmm..
      • Well if you were able to buy things before that mean you have money and since you have money it clearly tell me that you have a job..
      • But you job now is not paying you as much as you want...Dude if that is the case.. what you need to do is simple and cannot be simpler..Ever YOU HEARD OF A WORD CALLED 'WORK HARD '
        • And if your hardworking is not pay off than work even harder dude...think it like you're satisfying your girl on BED!!
          • i'm pretty sure it will reward you well GHEE GHEE....
      •  And if you have taken it from somewhere or from somebody, i assumed that you have stole it..Dude to  steal somebody property to just to make money is just not right... please repent..
        • The happiness that you get from it, is just temporary....sooner or later you will get caught.. and i hope that you get caught dude...
 So my conclusion make money you need only one thing....EFFORT... if you have this trait anything you do will benefits you...and the best part of it money will come and chase you...

Happy Reading Dude.. Hope that this may give you some thoughts.....

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