Monday, May 30, 2011

Your Reaction Determine Your Day....

I had come across this material for a quite some time already and while doing a housekeeping for my company's laptop, accidentally i found this material again and i think it would be good if  i share this with you guys so that we all able to benefit from it.

The material that i'm talking about is basically a slides from one famous author who believe that our action do determine how we live our daily life and how it affected it. And according to him  10% of our life is made up of what have happened to us and another 90% of of life  is decided by how we react..

So, what is this 10% and what is another 90% and can we control it, if we can, which one can be control and which one is not.

To tell the truth we really have no control over 10% of what have happened to us but for another 90% is different because we do have the ability to control it by of how we control our reaction toward the 10%.

Let use an example to understand what does it mean:

You are having breakfast with your family and suddenly your daughter knocks over a cup of tea onto your business shirt.(You have no control over what has just happened. But what happens next will be determined by how you actually react.)

You curse,harshly scold your daughter for knocking the cup over and she break down into tears...
After finished scolding your daughter, you turn to your wife and your criticize her for placing the cup to o close to the edge of the table.(A short verbal battle follows)

You storm upstairs and change you shirt and go back downstairs, you find your daughter has been too busy crying to finish her breakfast and getting ready to go to school, but unfortunately she missed the bus.

Your spouse must leave early for work, so you rush to your BMW and drive your daughter to school and because you are late, you drive 50 miles per hour instead of 35 miles in a 35 mph speed limit zone.

After a 20 - minutes delay and throwing USD 100 traffic fine away, you arrive at school. (Your daughter run into the building without giving you a hug and kisses)

After arriving at the office an hour late, you realize that you have forgotten to bring along your important files. Your day has started terrible and as if continues, it seems to get worse and worse. (You look forward to go home)

When you arrive home, you find a small wedge in your relationship with your wife and daughter.
Because of how you reacted in the morning

Why  did you have a bad day??
A. Did the tea cause it?
B. Did your daughter cause it?
C. Did your wife cause it? 
D. Did the policeman cause it?
E Did you cause it?

The answer is E.

You had no control over what happened with the tea (How you reacted in those 5 seconds cause your bad day )

Here is what could have happened and should have happened.

The tea splashes over you and you daughter is about to cry but you gently say:
" It's okay,  honey, you just need to be more careful next time"

Grabbing a towel, you go upstairs and change your shirt, you grab your important files, and you come back down in time to look through the window and see your child getting on the bus.

She turn and waves. You arrive 10 minutes early a cheerfully greet the staff

-------The End-------

Think hard guys...enjoy dude..


  1. Mana iklan, xkan kena ban da kikikiki

  2. Bang, bila nak update blog ni... Entry3 abg bes3 la... Lama sy tggu kikikiki
